Good evening
After an update to my DM520, it never started again!
I've tried flashing again, but I can not!
Any way to flash with DreamUp? If so, can someone tell me how to do it !?
DM520 will not boot!
DreamUp will not work with the newer boxes.
Which kind of update did you do? Did you flash an image? Maybe one of another Box? Then the Rescue Loader might be destroyed and you need to flash via the service port.
But let's hope for a simple solution first
Can you access the rescue loader?
Please do so by shutting down the box and switching off power with the rear switch. Then turn it on again and wait a little less than 1 second. Within that second the touch sensor at the front should turn red. Press it as soon as it turns red.
When the LED starts to flash in blue and red, keep the finger on the sensor. If the sensor turns red again, you can lift your fingerIf this still doesn't help, you should provide a bootlog via the service port.
Thanks for the answer!
The update was made online and the image was OpenAtv, after updating I rebooted but never started again!
As for the procedure that you refer, I have tried but the led is always red, there is no flashing between red and blue!
I do not know how to recover otherwise!
greetingsPS:If this still doesn't help, you should provide a bootlog via the service port.
What do you mean by that? -
Well I mean, that it is now the time to create a bootlog
What you need:
1. Mini-USB cable (the "old one", not a Micro USB)
2. Install the VSCP driver from (you can use the ones of the 800se or 500HD, they're all the same) on your PC
3. Connect the service port to your PC with the MiniUSB cable
4. Install PuTTY (…atham/putty/download.html) and specifiy the settings accordingly:
"Connection type": Serial
"Speed": 115200
"Serial line": the correct com port as you can find it in the Windows device manager (i.e. COM1 or COM2 etc...)
Session -> Logging: Select "All session output" and under "Log file name" browse for a folder and file name to write the log to. e.g. Desktop and file bootlog.log
5. Press "Open"Then turn on the box and watch the log. If the outputs in the log stop to change or repeat, you can stop the log by closing PuTTY. Then you might upload the log here, so we can have a look at it
The log I got!
Can you interpret what's going on !? -
According to the log the box boots fine vor the first 3 seconds and then gets stuck with starting the Linux.
I have no idea what happens there. But as the boot starts off completely fine on the lower levels, you should definitely be able to enter the rescue loader.
You might try to stop the box by pressing a key in the serial console (PuTTY) as soon as that text appears:
CodeNot interrupted yet, trying autoboot or rescue loader, hit any key in the next 500ms to cancel Proceeding with autoboot.. You can try aborting with Ctrl+C
So try pressing a button within that 0.5 seconds or pressing Ctrl + C.
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2016.12.10 21:16:22 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
Dreambox DM520
#@BCM973625A0 CFE v15.3, Endian Mode: Little
Build Date: Fri Jun 24 16:38:03 2016 (Jann@Cynric)
Copyright (C) Broadcom Corporation.card if inited
Enabling NAND flash at CS2: A5U4GA31ATS(DEVICE ID=0xC8DC9095), ECC Level=4, Spare Area Size=16
MACRONIX SPI flash detected: Size = 16MB, Sector Size 4096, Page Size 256CPU speed: 751MHz
DDR Frequency: 1061 MHz
DDR Mode: DDR3
Total memory(MEMC 0): 512MB
MEMC 0 DDR Width: 16
Boot Device: SPI
Total flash: 16MB
RTS VERSION: rts_hevc10_1067
ETH0_PHYADDR: 1DM init finalization
yxml: processing file of 131072 bytes... succeeded!
no file loaded, create xml restoring default xml
loaded network params of: DHCP,,,
[1] type 3, dev nandflash0.kernel, loader elf, filesys raw, file , options
[2] type 3, dev flash0.kernel, loader elf, filesys raw, file , options
[3] type 1, dev eth0, loader elf, filesys tftp, file , options bmem=192M@64M console=ttyS0,1000000 root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp
added 3 sources to autoboot list
init fp
Initializing USB.CFE initialized.
found card in unknown state
ca valid!***** DREAMBOX SSBL *****
Not interrupted yet, trying autoboot or rescue loader, hit any key in the next 500ms to cancel
Proceeding with autoboot.. You can try aborting with Ctrl+C*** Autoboot: Trying device 'nandflash0.kernel' file (raw,elf)
*** Autoboot failed.
Autoboot cancelled, starting config utility
Initializing the network, this may take a few seconds..
no network connection
Initializing the network, this may take a few seconds..
no network connection
Dreambox ADVANCED SETUP UTILITY Information Network Boot Exit
Bootloader VersionBuild #002Board
Serial Number071321104948191
MAC Address00:09:34:3f:1d:ef
Production Date2016-07-13
close ctrl+c
CLOSE requested (1)
Unhandled exit code..
Menu quit, dropping you to a CFE shell.
Proceed with caution, this thing is powerfulCFE> Ethernet Cable unplugged
CFE> ^C -
Dreambox DM520
#@BCM973625A0 CFE v15.3, Endian Mode: Little
Build Date: Fri Jun 24 16:38:03 2016 (Jann@Cynric)
Copyright (C) Broadcom Corporation.card if inited
Enabling NAND flash at CS2: A5U4GA31ATS(DEVICE ID=0xC8DC9095), ECC Level=4, Spar e Area Size=16
MACRONIX SPI flash detected: Size = 16MB, Sector Size 4096, Page Size 256CPU speed: 751MHz
DDR Frequency: 1061 MHz
DDR Mode: DDR3
Total memory(MEMC 0): 512MB
MEMC 0 DDR Width: 16
Boot Device: SPI
Total flash: 16MB
RTS VERSION: rts_hevc10_1067
ETH0_PHYADDR: 1DM init finalization
yxml: processing file of 131072 bytes... succeeded!
no file loaded, create xml restoring default xml
loaded network params of: DHCP,,,
[1] type 3, dev nandflash0.kernel, loader elf, filesys raw, file , options
[2] type 3, dev flash0.kernel, loader elf, filesys raw, file , options
[3] type 1, dev eth0, loader elf, filesys tftp, file , options bmem=192M@64M con sole=ttyS0,1000000 root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp
added 3 sources to autoboot list
init fp
Initializing USB.CFE initialized.
found card in unknown state
ca valid!***** DREAMBOX SSBL *****
Not interrupted yet, trying autoboot or rescue loader, hit any key in the next 5 00ms to cancel
Proceeding with autoboot.. You can try aborting with Ctrl+C*** Autoboot: Trying device 'nandflash0.kernel' file (raw,elf)
*** Autoboot failed.
Autoboot cancelled, starting config utility
Initializing the network, this may take a few seconds..
no network connection
Initializing the network, this may take a few seconds..
no network connection
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Unhandled exit code..
Menu quit, dropping you to a CFE shell.
Proceed with caution, this thing is powerfulCFE>
Ok. Now you've stopped the boot process. It says that it received an IP:
Can you access the box from PC via a Browser or Telnet? -
One last idea to get to the rescue loader the normal way: Have you really waited to press the soft button until the second the red led lights up? You might try a little variation of the timing.
If that doesn't help, you might want to try the method mentioned at:…&postID=156617#post156617
Please exchange the file names accordingly (you need…4-r0.3-dm520-20160820.bin as a rescue loader)
No communication means what? Are you able to enter anything via the serial console when the CFE> appears?
But as I said: Only your OpenATV image is broken. You should still be able to enter the rescue loader without any problems. But the process needs the correct timing!
So, are you 100% sure, that you start pressing the front button in the exact moment that the red led lights up? You must not be too fast and not too slow. -
Thanks for your patience
I did as I said, after several attempts and persistence to click the front button, there I got the right moment!
It already works like a dream should work
greetings -
Sounds rather tricky
Maybe someone else nows how to get there via the serial console like DreamUP did it for the old boxes.
Yes, I hope this happens, it was much easier to recover!
Hug! -
Original von m0rphU
No communication means what? Are you able to enter anything via the serial console when the CFE> appears?But as I said: Only your OpenATV image is broken. You should still be able to enter the rescue loader without any problems. But the process needs the correct timing!
So, are you 100% sure, that you start pressing the front button in the exact moment that the red led lights up? You must not be too fast and not too slow.Great!! I have solved with this tric ...and my 525 combo blocked on red led fix, after flashing OpenATV image.
Touching the front button at the right moment the decoder went back to rescue mode. Thank you -
I had exactly the same problem as our friend Barbo2 with ATV image and update.
I did the same procedure describe by excellent friend M0rphU and after several attempts I was able to find my box
Thank you again for your valuable advice, my friends.
Best regards -
Hi. I have a similar problem, my box is looping and is not restarting. If I could acess file system I will erase one file I copied. How can I do that?
Hi to everyone. Rescue mode is accessible to me, but i can flash any of images. I tried OpanAtv, Newnigma, and Dreambox image. I attach a log. Any suggestions? Thanks!