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  • About MeoBoot:

    Meoboot is a single coder Multiboot system (not Nabilosat product)
    Meoboot is currently developed and supported @ dream-elite.net board.
    Meoboot and Dream Elite images don't support clones.

    What is MeoBoot:
    MeoBoot is a very light, not invasive, Multiboot tool for Enigma 2 images.

    System requirements:
    MeoBoot is currently designed to work only with Enigma 2 images for Drembox series dm800 DM8000 and DM7025
    MeoBoot can be installed on a standard CF (Compact Flash), an SD card, or a normal USB key.
    MeoBoot only accepts devices formatted in Linux (part1) and this to ensure the best performance in dreambox native environment.
    The HDD install option is not available the USB, CF and SD are preferred instead.

    MeoBoot is very simple and intuitive. The plugin includes an Help button, explaining where to upload images before install and how to remove it. It also includes a feature to format the device where the MultiBoot will be used.

    About multiboot tools, and suggestions on how to keep the image always updated:

    An insight of all multiboot tools would require understanding that DMM second stage are not possible to modify.

    It is therefore important to understand that when using a multi-boot tool like Meoboot, the drivers, secondstage and kernel will be loaded by the flash image.
    This procedure requires some precautions:
    1) It is a good idea to always update the flash image, to make sure it includes the latest drivers and secondstage.

    2) Do not install to multiboot images too old, compared to the flash image. They may not work properly when the drivers are very recent, and the CVS is very old.

    3) Do not use images in multiboot with different kernel versions. This may cause the malfunction of your whole dream.

    To avoid trouble then before installing a new image, always check the image kernel version, and make sure it is the same as the flash image.
    These are few and simple explanations that are relevant to use this multi-boot tool and if you follow them, you will then make sure that your Dream always performs at its best, keeping it as much as possible efficient and updated.

    MeoBoot was written precisely for this to be simple, transparent and lightweight.
    It is very small and does not reach even a mega.

    To install it to your DM:
    1) download the file to your PC
    2) via FTP, copy the file to your DM in /tmp
    3) start a telnet session
    4) type cd /
    5) type ipkg install /tmp/meoboot094_r1_mipsel.ipk
    6) the plugin will be installed and Enigma 2 will automatically restart
    7) the plugin is available in your image plugin list

    However, if your image offers a panel to install IPK's, then you can use it.

    MeoBoot & Barry Allen:

    Meoboot and Barry Allen are not in competition. These tools are only different and have different approach. Meoboot is made to be very easy and light and small. Barry Allen is a great and complete work and Multiboot system with many functions and useful tools.

    Many thanks to Gutemine to have opened the way to have Multiboot in Enigma2.
    Meoboot concept is derived by the experience of Gutemine work.

    In this thread you will find the updates versions of MeoBoot, but i am sorry, i cannot provide support here in German language.

    Some helpful screenshots, taken on DM8000.

    Enjoy MeoBoot.

  • My conf:
    on flash: OpenPLI
    multiboot on USB-stick

    When you have OpenPLi on flash, during the box reboot the images-names of Bootup-list are invisible. You can select them with the cursor (using up/down buttons), but you see nothing. Can you solve this issue?

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by pasurimi
    My conf:
    on flash: OpenPLI
    multiboot on USB-stick

    When you have OpenPLi on flash, during the box reboot the images-names of Bootup-list are invisible. You can select them with the cursor (using up/down buttons), but you see nothing. Can you solve this issue?

    You are right pasurimi, i promised to look at this but i have not yet find time to check this because i have to install Pli in flash to check this issue and my 8000 is always busy.

    Sorry, i will try to remember to check this issue.

    I don't speak German. I will reply only to posts in English.

  • "3) Do not use images in multiboot with different kernel versions. This may cause the malfunction of your whole dream."

    OK ... which image is OK and which not for Meoboot ...
    For example in flash DreamElite, and in pendrive which image ?
    I suppose OoZooN NOT for sure ... but Gemini? Newnigma2? Nabilo?

  • Every image which has more drivers in kernel then the one in flash could have problems, because these then missing drivers cann't be loaded by the individual images (because the drivers are then not in loadable form as ko modules in the image included) but this is only a very raw rule of thumb.

    OoZooN and now also Gemini which have relative rich kernels now will therefore have some troubles, unless you have also a rich kerneled image in Flash.


  • thanks gutemine ... :)

    1. Thi's rules for both multiboots - BA and MeoBoot ?
    2. Whether it's some image should be avoided in flash for BA or for MeoBoot?
    3. For example OoZooN with MeoBoot, which has special drivers in kernel for BA , and this bad idea for flash ?
    4. And I understand: Gemini or OoZooN in pendrive and for example DreamElte w/Meoboot in flash = problems ... correct ?

  • Zitat

    Original von emer
    thanks gutemine ... :)

    1. Thi's rules for both multiboots - BA and MeoBoot ?
    2. Whether it's some image should be avoided in flash for BA or for MeoBoot?
    3. For example OoZooN with MeoBoot, which has special drivers in kernel for BA , and this bad idea for flash ?
    4. And I understand: Gemini or OoZooN in pendrive and for example DreamElte w/Meoboot in flash = problems ... correct ?

    re 1. no. BA enforces a rich kernel in Flash so normally this kernel is suitable to boot whatever you want. Meoboot loads the nedded USB drivers to support all kernels/images, which causes the described problem if the booted image doesn't have the rest of the then missing kernel drivers loadable and looses them due to the other flash kernel. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantage - BA tried both and the booting stability in general is now better since it went for the richt kernel approach. But this is now a question of good or bad or right or worng.

    re 2. I can only answer for BA - it checks the image in Flash and if it is satisfied it is supported - therfore BA doesn't support DMM original or experimental images (unless you ask Bart for help to fix the Kernel 'problem')

    re 3. depends if you need the drivers or not :)

    re 4. yes, but see 3.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von gutemine ()

  • hi to all!

    i have rudream infinity-X in flash and want to try gemini on my USB stick

    my problem installation via meoboot on usb is not possible with gemini 4.7;

    the same situation with gemini 4.6 --> OK

    can some give me a hint?

  • Seeing that this thread is four years old, I'd like to know whether there might be recent issues one should be aware of?

    I'd like to have the latest info on images preferred for flash, and maybe about images not recommended for installation on MB?